Top business accelerators for women-led companies

2 years ago by in Business Accelerators, Empower Lists, Finance + Raising Money, Grow

Make Mine A Million $ Business, founded by Nell Marino, is the leading national not-for-profit provider of resources, business education and community support for women entrepreneurs seeking to grow micro businesses to million dollar enterprises.Through live events across the country and a wealth of online resources, Count Me In accelerates women’s business growth with coaching, marketing, technology assistance and a suite of business-building products. Click here for meetups near you and to go big!

Springboard Enterprises provides access to emerging-growth businesses led by women seeking financial and corporate partners, trusted advisors and business development opportunities. Springboard also provides a platform for media visibility as well as access to active investors and sector experts. Click to go big.

Ernst & Young Entrepreneurial Winning Women Program is a national competition and executive leadership program that identifies a select group of high-potential women entrepreneurs whose businesses show real potential to scale — and then helps them do it. Click to go big.

Astia is a community of over 1000 experts committed to building women leaders and accelerating the funding and growth of the companies they lead. Astia programs include providing access to capital, ensuring sustainable high-growth and developing the executive leadership of the women on the founding team. Click to go big.

NewMe Accelerator is a residential technology start-up accelerator/incubator for businesses that are led by under-represented minorities in the technology industry. NewME’s mission is to educate, accelerate and empower underrepresented tech entrepreneurs around the world. Click to go big.


Accelerate your growth, RampCorpRampCorp offers women entrepreneurs coaching from experienced investors, entrepreneurs, inventors and business leaders and have the opportunity to learn about area resources to grow ventures. The Ramp™ training includes both skills training and guidance in starting, growing and funding and every aspect of launching a scalable company.

Other Niche Accelerators

Local Food Lab: A six-week program located in the heart of Silicon Valley that helps entrepreneurs take an early stage idea for a food or farm startup and turn it into a complete business plan and product concept. We will work with any food or farm idea that simultaneously shows strong business potential and a social commitment.

What other top business accelerators should we list?

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