Your daily source for the best business stories, tips, resources and events curated + shared by the Empower Lounge team to help you build a thriving business.
Kickstarter Spotlight: Goldie Blox, The Engineering Toy For Girls Created by Debbie Sterling
October 24, 2012 Leave a commentMove over princesses! There’s a new girl in town and her name is Goldie Blox, the kid inventor who loves to build. Debbie has successfully raised $250k+ on kickstarter to... -
Be A Featured Mentor or Rising Star On Empower Lounge
October 18, 2012 Leave a commentBe A Featured Mentor If you’ve built a $1 million dollar + company, we would love to feature your story and secret weapons that helped you get there to help other women entrepreneurs achieve... -
Our content partnership with RampCorp, business accelerator for women, to bring you the best resources
October 15, 2012 Leave a commentShared by Misty Gibbs, Founder + Chief Curator of Empower Lounge Our mission at Empower Lounge is to help you launch and build a scalable, buzzworthy company right the first... -
Secret Weapon: Organize Your Thoughts and Ideas Visually with Exobrain
October 9, 2012 Leave a commentShared by Misty Gibbs, Founder of Empower Lounge Productivity (or lack of) has been on my mind these days. If you’re like me - all your great ideas, to do’s... -
Kickstarter Spotlight: Liz Salcedo invents Everpurse. Charge your phone, all day, right in your purse
September 13, 2012 Leave a commentWhat a perfect way to kick off our Crowdfunding Spotlight featuring women entrepreneurs raising money to launch their big ideas! When we spotted in the Chicago Tribune Liz Salcedo’s big...