Empower Lounge is excited to partner with RampCorp, a top Texas accelerator for women entrepreneurs, to bring you the very best resources + guidance in starting, growing and funding a scalable company.
Top IP Resources and Information to help you protect your business
Ready to talk copyrights and patents at the next cocktail party?! We know it’s not sexy but every scalable business has some form of intellectual property – legal rights in ideas, writings, trademarks, slogans, graphic works, creative works, and other “intangible” things of value. We’ve curated the top resources to help you learn the basic types of intellectual property—patents aren’t the only game in town—for building your intellectual property plan, working with professionals and optimizing your company’s value. Here are a few selected resources to help you scale your business the right way:
Intellectual Property Checklist: 9 Steps to Protect Your Business
Davis and Lenard Law firm prepared this Intellectual Property checklist. It’s an easy read and a must-read!
Does My Business Have Intellectual Property?
Have you ever wondered: Does my startup have any intellectual property that can be legally protected? Jill Hubbard Bowman, an intellectual property attorney, shares on her blog the most common areas where most companies have some form of IP protection.
Seven Sins — IP Mistakes Technology Start-Ups Should Avoid: iP Frontline, IP + Technology Magazine
The start-up company often is an exciting and fast moving entity. However, without attention to detail involving intellectual property encompassed within the company product and/or service, the time, effort and sweat equity invested in getting that product and/or service to market can slow down, or even halt, company growth. This article looks at seven intellectual property mistakes start-up companies make and tips to navigate and address the issues to help ensure a solid foundation for long term growth.
Patents, Copyrights & Trademarks for Dummies
This easy-to-follow guide shows you how — helping you to evaluate your idea’s commercial potential, conduct patent and trademark searches, document the invention process, license your IP rights, and comply with international laws. Plus, you get detailed examples of each patent application type! Available on Amazon.
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Patents, Copyrights & Trademarks for Dummies
This easy-to-follow guide shows you how — helping you to evaluate your idea’s commercial potential, conduct patent and trademark searches, document the invention process, license your IP rights, and comply with international laws. Plus, you get detailed examples of each patent application type! Available on Amazon.