Amazed by the number of smart entrepreneurs who ignore their financials, Lili Balfour is now on a mission to teach aspiring and successful entrepreneurs everything they need to know about financial models, metrics, and investors.
Lili is the founder of Atelier Advisors and author of Master the Finance Game. She’s spent over 15 years in investment banking (technology and healthcare) and investment management before creating Atelier Advisors, a firm that provides strategic and financial advisory services to early-stage companies.
On udemy, Lili teaches a course, Finance for Startups. It’s an easy-to follow tutorial that will help you learn and understand how to:
- build a financial model, value a company, and raise the right type of capital
- find revenue and expense assumptions
- determine the best source of capital for your company
find & pitch investors
Lili has offered a special discount for Empower Lounge readers! Use the code EMPOWER50 to get lifetime access to this course for only $49.
Click here to visit udemy and learn more about Lili’s course, Finance For Startups!