5 Ways To Shake Those Negative Thoughts

3 years ago by in Get Fired Up.

negative_thoughtsHow To Shake Your Negative Thoughts

Do you have an inner voice full of negativity?  Quietly nattering at you at every turn, asking you what business you have thinking you can make this successful?  That you aren’t smart enough, gorgeous enough or hip enough to accomplish your goals? Studies have proven that it IS possible to turn that voice around, or even off.  A mirror can help.  Stand in front of a mirror and look yourself in the eye.  Pick a phrase that is a direct hit to your inner critic.  For example “I am enough” or “I am a successful business woman!” Stick these positive affirmations on your mirror so you see them daily!

Include in your daily routine:

  1. Knocking 3 things off your priority list to build confidence and create momentum
  2. Reading inspirational quotes and magazines (and Empower Lounge!)
  3. Calling or gathering with positive, supportive peers
  4. Getting outside, it works like magic every time.
  5. Making yourself comfortable with failure! It’s the one thing we all have in common, happens to the best of us and we’re stronger and smarter because of it!
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