Q + A with Ellie: How do you find something unique to say in videos with so many experts out there?

2 years ago by in Grow, Sales + Marketing Tagged:
Meet our video branding expert Ellie Brett. She’s Creator of Media Bombshell, a boutique consulting firm that helps women entrepreneurs understand their core message and feel confident sharing it on camera.

Ellie is live in the lounge to kick off her new Q + A series focused on how we can leverage video to elevate our brand and business!

This week’s Q + A: How do you find something unique to say in videos with so many experts out there?

I think we all wonder if we have anything original to say from time to time. But I have news for you: you absolutely, positively, 100%,  DO have something unique to share with the world. Bottom line? There’s only one you.

Watch my video to see how you can stand out from the crowd!

You can follow me at MediaBombshell.com and on TwitterFacebook.

For more bombshell tips, subscribe to my email here.

Watch all of Ellie’s video tips on Empower Lounge here.


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