6 small biz books to help you determine how big your business should be and how to get there

2 years ago by in Grow, Leadership + Speaking, Mentors Unplugged, Smart Reads

The Big Enough Company

The answer to “How Big? How Fast?” to build your business can’t be found anywhere but within each entrepreneur.

These 6 small biz books will help you determine the right size company for you, how focused on growth you should be or if you should pursue growth at all.

A Slice of the Pie: How to build a big, little business.

Sarillo tells the story of how he built his extraordinary culture and shows how anyone can follow his methods.

The Entrepreneur Equation: Evaluating the Realities, Risks, and Rewards of Having Your Own Business.
Determine what kind of company you are and if you are prepared to grow to any size.

The Big Enough Company, Creating a business that works for you.
Your company, the size you need it to be, not the size they tell you it should be.

No Man’s Land: Where growing companies fail.
Mind the gap as you grow between from a small business and a big business.

Build, Borrow, or Buy: Solving the growth dilemma.
Multiple pathways of growth prevent blindspots.

Scaling Your Social Venture: Becoming an impact entrepreneur.
When you want to change the world with your social venture, scaled results as you scale up are even more important.

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