Entrepreneur of 2012: Limor “Ladyada” Fried, CEO of Adafruit Industries

2 years ago by in Best of The Web, Mentors Unplugged


The future looks bright for recruiting more women to tech with role models like Limor “Ladyada” Fried, CEO of Adafruit Industries and MIT Engineer. She’s blazin’ the trail with hot pink hair and has successfully built a $10M brand in a surprising niche - DIY open source hardware kits.

Congrats on being named Entrepreneur of 2012 by Entrepreneur Magazine!

Originally shared on Entrepreneur.com

Ladyada founded Adafruit in 2005 with a goal to create the best place online for learning electronics and making the best designed products for makers of all ages and skill levels. Since then Adafruit has grown to over 35 employees in the heart of NYC and did a booming $10 million in sales of DIY open-source electronic hardware kits.

Biggest motivator: Feedback that Adafruit is inspiring the next generation of engineers

Read the full article on Entrepreneur.com

Go behind the scenes with Ladyada in this short video on YouTube by Entrepreneur.

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