Learn code and how to build a website with Skillcrush

1 year ago by in Tools + Apps, Web Dev + Design

skillcrushWas learning to code one of your New Year’s Resolutions? It’s not too late!

Join us for Skillcrush 101 in February!

Sign up for Skillcrush 101: How to Create Your Own Website

In this two-week online class, you will learn to code your own website in HTML & CSS and launch that baby!

How Skillcrush 101 works:

  • Daily email: every morning you will get an email telling you what is on the docket for that day.
  • Interactive learning platform: Class lessons are taught via a mix of online interactive & video lessons, challenges, short readings, inspirational stories, and LOTS of collaboration.
  • Email group: Every student joins a group email list where students meet one another, collaborate on their projects, and ask questions of the instructors. (The group is so popular that many students stay on it for the next session!)
  • Video office hours: Instructors host weekly office hours where you can come, ask questions, and get lots of support.
  • Lots downloadable cheatsheets and code samples for you to keep!

This class has no prerequisites and is ideal for anyone who wants to learn how to build beautiful websites from scratch.

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